Conditions Treated by Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Reduces Stress
- relieve anxiety & nervous tension
- insomnia
- hypertension (high blood pressure)
- stiff neck and shoulders
Alleviates Tiredness & Fatigue
- boosts energy level
- alleviates unusual fatigue
- chronic fatigue syndrome
Alleviates Allergies & Headaches
Effective for Women's Health Conditions
Effective for Men's Health Conditions
Enhances the Immune System
- strengthen the immune system
- promote good health and a sense of well-being
- respiratory conditions such as common cold, flu, bronchitis, asthma and sinusitis
- faster recovery from illness
- see prevention tips
Resolves Digestive Problems
- irritable bowel syndrome
- constipation & diarrhea
- acid reflux & indigestion
- Crohn's disease & ulcerative colitis
Clears Skin Problems
- eczema & psoriasis
- hives, shingles, and acne
- rejuvenating cosmetic acupuncture
Effective for Autoimmune disorders
- multiple sclerosis
- rheumatoid arthritis
- diabetes mellitus
- fibromyalgia
- Raynaud's syndrome
- Graves disease & thyroid disorders
Effective for Cancer Treatment Support
- side effects - nausea & tiredness
- helps boosts the immune system
Helps with Weight Management & Addiction
- weight loss
- balance to maintain normal weight
- See the blog post on losing belly fat
Acupuncture Relives Pain with Lasting Results
- joint & muscle pain
- neck, shoulder & lower back pain
- knee pain, runner's knee
- repetitive strain injury & carpal tunnel syndrome
- muscle sprain & strain
- bursitis, tendinitis & arthritis
Disposable Needles * Painless Technique
Accepting Personal Injury and Workers' Compensation